
Join the «opptur»!

What is an «opptur»? Well, if we translate it we could say «upswing» or maybe «rally». But for us, these words don’t do it justice. The Norwegian word «opptur», for us, is the definition of Lillestrøm’s vertical path towards becoming one of Norway’s greatest cities for business, office, innovation, hubs, and work-life-balance.

Lillestrøm has an active strategy for growth and evolvement, and has developed technology hubs and attracted highly skilled and competent workers, which in return makes the city and streets come alive. «Oppturen» has just begun, and the question is; will you join?

Sirkel over film - Bli med på oppturen
Næringssjef i Lillestrøm Kommune - Maria Hermansdatter Hoff - Bli med på oppturen

Maria Hermansdatter Hoff

Head of Business in Lillestrøm kommune

Book a meeting

Maria Hermansdatter Hoff has long experience in innovation and business development, and want to show you what characterizes the unique potential of our city. With her background, Maria will present what Lillestrøm has to offer in terms of growth opportunities for your business, while giving an understanding of what «oppturen» means.

If you are curious about Lillestrøm and want to join us in the early stages, it’s smart to book a meeting now!

The process

Meierikvartalet i Lillestrøm - Bli med på oppturen

Do you want to be
a part of «oppturen»?

Do you want to be
a part of «oppturen»?